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Beyond Light Expansion: Exploring The New Frontier In Destiny 2

Destiny 2 is about to take us on a journey of exploration and adventure with the Beyond Light expansion. With over 75 million players, it’s no wonder this game continues to be one of the most popular MMOs around. And now, with the addition of Beyond Light, we’re getting an even bigger and better experience than ever before.

As we embark on this exciting venture into uncharted territory, let’s explore what new thrills await us in this massive expansion. From challenging raids to powerful weapons and gear, from lore-rich storylines to special classes and modes – there’s something here for everyone as we explore Destiny 2: Beyond Light!

Key Takeaways

  • Beyond Light expansion introduces new worlds, challenging raids, powerful weapons, and gear for players to explore and conquer.
  • The storyline revolves around an ancient enemy faction known as the Darkness, and players must uncover secrets about this mysterious force to defeat it.
  • The Beyond Light expansion adds a new level of complexity and challenge to raids, requiring careful planning and gear optimization.
  • The season pass offers plentiful and varied rewards, including weapon and armor upgrades, new PvP strategies, and customization options for a player’s Guardian.

New Worlds to Explore

Destiny 2 Empty hallway

With Beyond Light, the Destiny 2 universe is expanding, giving Guardians plenty of new worlds to explore! From the mysterious creatures on Europa to the exotic locations on The Tangled Shore, there’s something for everyone.

Players can travel around these new areas and uncover hidden secrets while tackling raid challenges that push them to their limits. Whether you’re a veteran looking for a challenge or a new Guardian eager to learn more about the game, Beyond Light offers an abundance of activities for all kinds of players.

And with so many unique places to explore, it’s easy to get lost in this vast new frontier! With plenty of raid challenges ahead, let’s take a look at what awaits us in Beyond Light.

Raid Challenges

Destiny 2 The alley with red trees

You’re gonna have to step up your game if ya wanna conquer the raid challenges in this brave, uncharted territory.

The new Beyond Light Expansion introduces an entirely new level of complexity and challenge when it comes to raids, requiring players to really think through their strategy planning and gear optimization.

It’s no longer enough just to go into a raid with a good team composition – you’re going to need a deep understanding of the mechanics and how they interact in order for your team to succeed.

This means that even experienced players will have to hone their skillset further if they want to tackle the toughest content that Destiny 2 has ever seen.

But don’t worry – the rewards are worth it!

With each victory comes greater rewards than ever before, making it all worthwhile in the end.

As you make your way through these new raid challenges, you’ll find yourself learning more about yourself as a player as well as how best to approach such complex encounters.

Season Pass

Destiny 2 A view of the white fortress

Embarking on a new season of Destiny 2 can be an exciting journey, with tons of rewards to reap if you’re ready to tackle the season pass.

The Season Pass rewards are plentiful and varied, offering everything from weapon and armor upgrades to powerful new PvP strategies. By taking part in the Season Pass challenges, players can unlock exclusive items, cosmetic bonuses, and even access to special game modes.

With each level of the pass comes greater rewards, making it well worth investing time in for anyone looking to take their experience of Destiny 2 Beyond Light to the next level. As players progress through the season pass challenges and rack up points they can unlock new weapons and gear that will help them continue their journey into this new frontier.

From powerful Exotics to brand-new Legendary weapons, completing these objectives is a great way to stay ahead of the competition as you explore all that Destiny 2 has to offer.

With such incredible rewards waiting around every corner, it’s easy to see why so many Guardians choose to take on the season pass when Beyond Light launches.

New Weapons and Gear

Unlock powerful Legendary weapons and gear by taking on the season pass challenges in Destiny 2. With each level you complete, you’ll be awarded even more rewards.

There are over 80 Exotic items available to obtain, making Guardians unstoppable as they progress through the season. These weapons come with powerful perks and weapon stats, as well as customization options that will make any Guardian stand out from the crowd.

From unique designs and ornate shaders to special effects and detailed engravings, a player’s Guardian will never be lacking in style or power when equipped with some of these new weapons and gear.

As players work their way through the Season Pass, they’ll gain access to an array of rewards that will give them everything they need to take on whatever lies ahead in this new frontier of Destiny 2.

Now all that remains is uncovering the secrets behind its lore and storyline.

Lore and Storyline

Destiny Esi Terminal

Delve deep into the mysteries of the Destiny 2 universe and uncover its secrets as you explore its lore and storyline. The story revolves around an ancient enemy faction known as the Darkness, who has returned to threaten humanity’s last safe city. Players must explore new planets to find powerful weapons, gear, and knowledge about this mysterious force in order to defeat it.

Here are some elements that make up the game’s lore and storyline:

  1. Secrets of Darkness: Uncovering secrets about the mysterious force will help players gain a better understanding of their enemy faction.
  2. Enemy Factions: Enemies come in all shapes and sizes, from small groups of aliens to giant robots created by powerful organizations like The Cabal or Fallen Houses.
  3. Storyline Progression: As you progress through missions, you’ll learn more about your enemies’ motivations and plans for conquering our solar system. With each step comes greater insight into their ultimate goal—to dominate all life in the galaxy!

By delving into these deeper themes, players can explore a whole new level of narrative immersion within Destiny 2’s universe. Taking on these challenges will not only offer an exciting adventure but also unlock an array of rewards as they face off against formidable foes along their journey to save humanity’s future.

Transitioning from this exploration into character classes and specializations reveals a whole new layer of tactical strategy as players strive for victory against impossible odds!

Character Classes and Specializations

Discovering the character classes and specializations of Destiny 2 is a journey all its own. From the Titan to Hunter to Warlock, each class has a dedicated set of Exotic builds that can be used for power leveling or class builds optimization. For example, the Titan can use a number of Exotics such as Helm of Saint-14, Lion Rampant, and ACD/0 Feedback Fence to increase their damage output while also providing additional protection from enemy fire. The Hunter class uses an array of powerful Exotics such as Young Ahamkara’s Spine, Orpheus Rigs and STOMP-EE5 to maximize their agility and damage potential while pursuing targets quickly. Finally, Warlocks have access to items like Karnstein Armlets, Nezarec’s Sin and Starfire Protocol for improved survivability in addition to increased firepower.

ClassExotic BuildsPower Levelling & Optimization
TitanHelm of Saint-14
Lion Rampant
ACD/0 Feedback Fence
Increased Damage Output
Additional Protection from Enemy Fire
HunterYoung Ahamkara’s Spine
Orpheus Rigs
Maximizing Agility & Damage Potential
Quickly Pursuing Targets
WarlockKarnstein Armlets
Nezarec’s Sin
Starfire Protocol
Improved Survivability
Increased Firepower

Exploring these exotic builds provides an interesting insight into how characters can customize their loadouts for specific scenarios; from PvE missions to PvP duels. With this knowledge in tow it’s time to move onto exploring the various PvE and PvP modes found within Beyond Light Expansion.

PvE and PvP Modes

Journey through the all-new Beyond Light Expansion and experience a variety of new PvE and PvP modes that will test your mettle and challenge your skills.

In PvE, you’ll face off against powerful enemies that require careful planning and team strategies to defeat. You’ll need to be aware of the power dynamics between enemy types, as each one has its own unique strengths and weaknesses.

Meanwhile, in PvP, you can match up with other players in intense battles where teamwork is essential for success. With a wide array of weapons, abilities, maps, and game modes available for both PvE and PvP modes, the Beyond Light expansion offers plenty of opportunities to hone your skills and become an even better Guardian.

Frequently Asked Questions

How much does the Beyond Light Expansion cost?

I’m blown away by the cost of the Beyond Light expansion! It’s unbelievably affordable when you compare prices and look at subscription options. You won’t find a better deal anywhere else, so don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity!

Will there be any changes to the existing character classes and specializations?

Yes, Beyond Light will bring changes to the existing character classes and specializations. The subclass diversity will be increased and class balancing tweaked for better gameplay. I’m looking forward to seeing what new abilities are added!

What new weapons and gear can I expect to find?

I’m expecting to find powerful weapons and legendary gear in Destiny 2. I’m sure there will be new ones added with the Beyond Light expansion that’ll make my Guardian even more powerful!

What are the new Raid Challenges?

I’m excited to find out what new raid challenges await me! Raid rewards, loot drops and upgrading gear from previous raids are all part of the challenge. I can’t wait to see what awaits as I explore the new frontier in Destiny 2!

What PvE and PvP Modes will be available?

PvE and PvP modes in Destiny 2 will offer a variety of weapons, balanced classes, and unique raid strategies. I’m excited to experience the new content and explore the possibilities!


It’s been an exciting journey exploring the new frontier in Destiny 2. From the challenging raids to the unique weapons and gear, there’s something for everyone.

The story and lore keep us engaged, while the character classes and specializations provide plenty of options for customizing our experience. And with all of the PvE and PvP modes available, it really is a no-brainer to dive into this world.

This expansion has definitely kicked it up a notch – you’d be crazy not to give it a try! With its vast landscapes and captivating adventures, it’s easy to get lost in this next chapter of Destiny 2.

So grab your friends and jump in – you won’t regret it!

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